Die Hafentechnische Gesellschaft e.V.

HTG e.V. Design Welle

Welcome to the HTG

The HTG (German Port Technology Association) was founded in 1914 and is a non-profit making organisation focussing on all scientific, technological and economic issues relating to the field of ports, shipping and logistics and the implications of these for carriers and coastal protection.

Members of the HTG

The HTG has around 1,500 members from an extensive range of specialist disciplines, especially engineers, scientists, marine technicians, merchants and lawyers. Members are drawn from a wide variety of areas, including science and research, the construction industry, public administration, port operators and consultancy firms.

The HTG organises, fosters and promotes:

  • the exchange of specialist views and experiences amongst its members;
  • the exchange of information on developments and innovations at an international level;
  • the retention and further development of specialist knowledge across all areas forming the remit of the HTG;
  • technical and economic cooperation with other national and international specialist organisations;
  • location determination for carriers both in terms of coordination amongst themselves and with port users and public authorities;
  • specialist work within committees and working groups including the publication of recommendations and results;
  • support for young members and the advanced training they require as they start out in professional practice.

Events organised by the HTG

  • HTG Congresses with an AGM every two years
  • A wide range of series of lectures, seminars and workshops
  • Specialist international excursions and on-site days to view ongoing major construction projects

Do you have any questions ?

Tel.: 040 / 42847-2178 service@htg-online.de Contactform